
How content creators can use Renyoo to create more engaging content.

Renyoo-Blog How content creators can use Renyoo to create more engaging content.
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Over the past decade, we’ve witnessed the rise of Content Marketing as the marketing medium of choice for both B2B and B2C marketers. However, even though content creation has become a top priority, not all the content that’s created is top-notch or valuable due to a lack of time or resources such as a full-fledged design team and expensive design software.

To combat this, Renyoo has focused on developing its image annotation features to enable everyone to become a content creator with little to no prior experience. With a simplified and intuitive user experience and a light mobile app, Renyoo has become the content creation platform of choice for a huge community of photographers, artists, designers and marketers.

Here’s how you can use Renyoo to create engaging content –

Curate a relevant and appealing feed on Timeline.

What’s the first thing you do when you want to check out a new restaurant or a club? How do you gauge if it’s the new hip place in town or just another run of the mill establishment? That’s right, you take a sneak peek at their social media page or their website. But here’s the thing about Social Media, it’s an unforgiving place and once you publish something on Facebook or Instagram, it’s pretty much impossible to take it back. Now, if only there was a place where you could test out your social content, make sure that it meets the bar, and get feedback from the most relevant people. Well, that’s very much a possibility now with Renyoo, it’s the new social app in town designed exclusively for creators. So if you’ve got a restaurant business or a gym or even a supermarket, you can test out your social media strategy on Renyoo for free. Make sure you tag it with the right hashtags and in the right channel so that your posts gather a lot of buzz. So what are you waiting for? Start creating content today on Renyoo!

Follow your niche on Timeline to get great ideas

Some creators are self-motivated and all they need is to arrive at their work stations to get the juices flowing. However, most of us find that it’s really difficult to create great content from nothing. Drawing inspiration from a number of sources helps creators create content that’s on trend and meets the communities needs. Renyoo’s users can choose to follow ‘topics’, ‘channels’ and ‘posts’ on their Timeline to stay updated on the latest content being created by other creators in their niche. The creativity in the community is contagious and helps you find a way out of the morass and create content that shines through.

Repurpose content from one platform to another.

Nowadays it just doesn’t cut it to publish content on one platform nor does it work to just republish the same kind of content irrespective of the platform. The most successful creators are those who are able to repurpose and ‘contextualize’ their content according to the platform.

A good rule of thumb is to start with a piece of pillar content that’s a long format piece such as a Podcast or video for your Youtube channel. The pictures, content, quips that are derived from these Pillar pieces can then be shared across Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Facebook. For a detailed breakdown of how this content production model can help you create great content consistently, refer to this comprehensive strategy deck by social media guru GaryVee.

Renyoo’s content embed capabilities help you adapt content pieces from social media to your personal websites and blogs. To embed your creatives on to your website or blog you’ll have to first verify your website via the profile section on the Renyoo app.

Here are the steps to register/verify your website on Renyoo.

Here are the steps to register/verify your website on Renyoo.

  1. Go to your profile on the Renyoo app.
  2. Click on Register Site under the ‘Embed Code’ option.
  3. Enter your website name, URL and a short description about it.
  4. Click on receive public requests to give everyone the ability to create verified embeds for your website.
  5. Click on verify and that’s it. You’ve been registered.

Now that you’ve verified your website, you can embed creatives that you’ve made on the Renyoo app effortlessly onto your blog or website. Simply follow the steps outlined below to create more immersive experiences of your content.

  How to embed images onto your verified website.

Here are the steps to register/verify your website on Renyoo.-Embed

  1. Click on embed code option on the image menu.
  2. Select the website that you want to generate the code for from a list of verified websites.
  3. You can also choose to approve know contributor sites, given that you trust these sources.
  4. That’s all you’re ready to start embedding.
  5. You can embed audio, video, rich URLs, text and more.

Have a well-organized repository.

Half the work of being a content creator is in organizing a calendar and making sure you have all the resources you need to create content ready to go. This includes your audio, video, and image raw files. Renyoo’s simplified user experience helps you organize your image files effortlessly. You can create a private photo vault for your organization and tag your images with the right context. For eg, if the image you’ve chosen is a ‘team image’ you can tag it with the right keywords such as ‘culture’, ‘team’, ‘people’ and so on. This makes it easier for you to find relevant files to create content whenever you’re looking for them.

Test content with the right audience and act on feedback.

Now that you’re creating content on a regular basis, the most important step is to promote it to the right audiences. Renyoo has an active community of Designers, Photographers, Marketers and Hobbyists who are the perfect target audience to test out your content creation mettle. Whether it’s the latest ad campaign you’ve worked on or a photoshoot you’re super proud of, Renyoo has the right audience of peers to give you pointed feedback.

Fail fast and get better at your craft.

As a content creator, not every piece of content is going to do well with your audience. Sometimes even if you’ve created great content it takes a while until you start picking up traction with audiences. It’s important to stay motivated and keep creating. Just keep an ear out and listen to what your audience is telling you, soon enough you’ll see a spike in those views. Remember all it takes is one piece of viral content to build your audience base, the secret is to keep churning it out with consistency.

If you’re looking for free tools to help you create content more regularly, download the Renyoo app today Download Now!

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